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Taxation of Residential Vacation Rental Property

There is a lot of conversation at the Colorado State level surrounding taxation of vacation rentals. As of right now, three bills may be presented. First, HB22-1117 has been presented as an opportunity for county governments to introduce lodging taxes at a county level. These taxes would be dedicated to tourism marketing and workforce housing. […]

Terminating a Timeshare Community

Timeshare ownership has seen its ups and downs over the years. In the current economy, many people who would like to sell their timeshare, can’t


Colorado Homeowner Associations: Understanding The Governing Documents (Part 2 of 4)

Most if not all Colorado residential developments have a homeowner association and recorded documents establishing the rules for and obligations of the homeowners. Understanding those documents help homeowners avoid fines, lawsuits and unhappy neighbors. Yet, most homeowners have never read the governing documents.