
Terminating a Timeshare Community

Timeshare ownership has seen its ups and downs over the years. In the current economy, many people who would like to sell their timeshare, can’t


Colorado Homeowner Associations: Collecting Assessments In Tough Economic Times (Part 4 of 4)

In the past, collecting delinquent homeowner association assessments did not require much brainpower, effort or planning. That has changed. Strapped homeowners, behind on the mortgage and owing more than the house is worth are choosing not to pay homeowner association assessments.

Homeowner Associations – Collecting Overdue Assessments

Everyone is a little short on cash these days, especially homeowner associations with members behind in paying association dues and assessments. While the governing documents of the homeowner association may say the homeowner must promptly pay dues and assessments, collecting what is owed can be quite a bit more difficult.