Entries by admin


Custodial Account Or Trust? Which Is Best For Children?

At least once a year we get a frantic call from a parent with a slightly out of control minor or adult child. The question from the parent is, “Can the child get at the money in the custodial account”? The answer is usually a simple yes or no, but it underscores a more important question. How should parents make cash gifts to children? The answer is pretty easy. Use an irrevocable trust and not a 2503(c) or minors trust.

Portability Of Colorado NFA Trusts – Can A Settlor Change States?

We are often asked whether a Colorado NFA Trust can be used in another state. Or, if the trust creator (Settlor) moves over the course of their life, can they keep the same trust or would they have to establish new a new NFA Trust in the new state and pay the $200 transfer fee per item? The short answer is yes, the person can usually keep their trust.


Colorado Homeowner Associations: Understanding The Governing Documents (Part 1 of 4)

Most if not all Colorado residential developments these days have a homeowner association and recorded documents that establish the rules for and obligations of the homeowners. Understanding those documents help homeowners avoid fines, lawsuits and unhappy neighbors. Yet, most homeowners have never read the governing documents.