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Regulating Short-term rentals in your Colorado Community

Short term rentals are defined generally as a rental that lasts for less than 30 consecutive days.  Airbnb and VRBO are just a few of the many companies who are trying to profit off homeowners renting empty rooms or empty homes to vacationers. While that may seem like an appealing way to make money for […]


Do I Need A Trust?

Perhaps the most asked question in our office is, do I need a trust as part of my Colorado estate plan?  The answer depends. There is no Colorado litmus test for who does or doesn’t need a trust.  There are certain factors that influence the decision.  Some clients specifically request an estate planning trust because […]

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HOA vs. Old Glory

As we approach the Fourth of July, you and many of your neighbors are probably planning to fly the American flag. However, if you live in a community governed by a homeowners association, this benign act of patriotism may be against the rules. In fact, a quick Google search reveals pages full of news articles […]

Properly Transferring Title I Firearms to Your Trust

The Colorado Red Flag bill is on its way to becoming law.  The Colorado Red Flag Bill allows the Court to issue an order requiring you to surrender your firearms.  As set forth in a previous article, your firearms trust may provide additional protection from confiscation.  For that reason, many people are transferring their Title […]

How to Purchase Firearms in Your Trust – Declaration of Contribution

We strongly recommend purchasing trust firearms using trust funds.  Using a trust financial account and saving the receipts properly documents the purchase by the trust. It is possible to properly document the firearm purchase without a separate trust financial account by using the Declaration of Contribution form provided with your trust, but many will find […]

HOA Board Enforcement Policy Gone Wild?

How much can your HOA Board do without owner approval? When the HOA Board takes steps that can cost the owners money, like adopting an enforcement policy, owners get concerned. Enforcement policy usually involves fines and fees for non-compliance with the HOA covenants. Don’t all the owners get a say on that important of a […]


Copyright and Facebook

Have you used Facebook to break the law? Probably. Your slippery descent into the criminal underworld starts so innocently. Post a funny video.  Share a good song.  Upload a comic found on another site. These are all everyday Facebook activities. They may also be copyright law violations. Most people have a hazy understanding of what […]


Gun Trust Update – Colorado Red Flag Bill

Several laws are currently being considered impacting gun owners.  We suggest to our clients to consider making all future firearm purchases (Title I or Title II) in the name of their trust through a trust banking account and a properly executed for 4473 identifying the trust/trustee. On the Federal level, the House has passed H.R. […]


Homeowner Associations: Covenant Enforcement

Can my neighbor leave their trash cans outside? Can I build a shed for tools? Can my neighbor install that huge, ugly new fence? Nothing is more uncertain than whether a specific action by a homeowner violates a common interest community covenant running with the land.  Homeowner association covenant enforcement is a tricky business.  Many […]

Boundary Disputes: Your Tree? Or Not Your Tree? That is the Question!

When a tree grows and then straddles the land of two property owners, whose tree is it? In Colorado, it depends. The starting point is the tree belongs to the owner upon which the tree first grew. In the Colorado mountains, residential disputes over trees are not all that common because most trees are some […]