
Common Estate Planning Mistakes

Estate planning mistakes can be expensive and happen to even the most thorough of people.  This is a list of common estate planning mistakes we have either seen or gathered from sources. Not having an estate plan.  What would be a list of planning mistakes if we did not start with the most obvious and […]

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The Best Argument for a Revocable Trust – My Mother

Do you really need a revocable trust estate plan?  We have no hard and fast rule on this subject because there are additional upfront costs and then continuing costs of a revocable trust plan.  The continuing costs revolve around making sure certain assets are in the revocable trust or made payable to the revocable trust […]

Starting Your Side Gig the Right Way

Thinking about starting a side gig? You are part of a growing trend. Forbes[1], Business News Daily[2], Time[3], and Fast Company[4] have all published articles within the last year discussing success stories and tips for an ever-growing sector of workers who are starting businesses outside of their 9-to-5 job. This work as an independent contractor, […]

The Case Against Estate Tax Repeal

The Trump administration is proposing a complete repeal of the Federal estate tax.  The federal government currently levies a tax on all assets owned at time of death.  Using federal tax credits, the first $5.49 million in assets are exempt from federal estate tax.  In return for being subject to the federal estate tax, all […]